Pelaksanaan Fungsi Kepala Dinas Dalam Penegakan Disiplin Kerja Aparatur Sipil Negara di Lingkungan Dinas Kesehatan Muaro Jambi

Masriyani Masriyani, Tresya Tresya, Pirma Suryani


This study aims to determine and analyse: the implementation of the function of the head of service in enforcing the work discipline of state civil servants in the Muaro Jambi Regency Health Office, obstacles that occur in the implementation of the function of the head of service in enforcing the work discipline of state civil servants in the Muaro Jambi Regency Health Office and efforts made to overcome obstacles that occur in the implementation of the function of the head of service in enforcing the work discipline of state civil servants in the Muaro Jambi Regency Health Office. This type of research used is empirical research. Research conducted on existing legal facts by conducting research directly into the field to find out the implementation and problems that arise. The author conducts research in a place that is directly related to the issues raised, namely at the Muaro Jambi Regency Health Office.


Implementation of Functions, Enforcement of Work Discipline, State Civil Apparatus

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Pustaka dari Buku

Agus Sartono, Managemen Keuangan : Teori dan Aplikasi, Penerbit : BPFE, Yogyakarta, 2004

Arikunto, Prosedur Suatu Penelitian : Pendekatan Praktek, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 2002

Peter Mahmud Marzuki, Penelitian Hukum, Kencana, Jakarta, 2006

Soerjono Soekamto, Pengantar Penelitian Hukum, Jakarta : UI Press

Pustaka dari Peraturan Perundang-undangan

Peraturan Pemerintah No. 53 tahun 2010 tentang Peraturan disiplin

Peraturan Pemerintah No. 32 tahun 1979 tentang Pemberhentian Aparatur Sipil Negara

Peraturan Pemerintah No.45 Tahun 1990 sebagai penganti Peraturan Pemerintah No.10 tahun 1983 tentang Izin perkawinan dan penceraian Aparatur Sipil Negara.



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